On this episode of Road to GT3 Rob Summons, the teams founder, walks through the teams base of operations, including the current stages of the build process. The team also visits Lance Warren from Garage35_Racing, who has built some of the fastest GTR’s in Australia for the drag strip instead of the race track. Follow along to witness insane builds along with the continual process towards hitting the track in the NISMO GTR GT3 for the first time.
A huge thankyou to our sponsors for their support, who give us access to the opportunities that allow us to bring Summons Racing content to you.
BRAKES DIRECT: https://brakesdirect.com.au/
LORBEK LUXURY CARS: https://www.lorbek.com.au/
MAN TAN: https://mantan.store/
DRIVE AGAINST DEPRESSION: https://www.driveagainstdepression.com.au/
Stay tuned to the Summons Racing YouTube channel for more on the ROAD TO GT3 Build of the Nissan NISMO GTR GT3 as well as the brand new BEHIND THE TEAM series taking you along to some of the events the team is invited to and the achievements the team is making behind the scenes.
Produced by Niko French Media